Newtown Roofing & Building Ltd

Winter Roof

Essential Roofing Tips for Homeowners

Newtown Roofing & Building

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  1. Regular Roof Inspections
  2. Gutters
  3. Trees & Foliage
  4. Flashing & Sealants
  5. Professional Roofing Services
  6. Contact Us

As winter approaches, it is crucial for homeowners to pay attention to their roofs and ensure they are well-maintained. The harsh weather conditions during the winter months can take a toll on roofs, leading to leaks, damage, and costly repairs. To help you protect your home and maintain the integrity of your roof, we have compiled a comprehensive guide with essential tips for winter roof maintenance.

1. Conduct Regular Roof Inspections

This may sound obvious, but carrying out regular roof inspections is crucial to identify any potential issues before they become major problems. Ideally, you should inspect your roof at least twice a year, before and after winter. Start by visually inspecting your roof from the ground, looking for any missing or damaged slates, cracks, or signs of wear and tear. Pay close attention to the flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights, as these areas are prone to leaks. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, it is advisable to contact professional roofers such as Newtown Roofing & Building, for a thorough inspection.

During the inspection, look for the following signs of roof damage:

  • Missing, loose, or damaged slates

  • Cracks or holes in the flashing

  • Sagging or uneven areas

  • Clogged gutters or downpipes

  • Signs of water damage or leaks in the attic or ceilings

2. Keep Gutters Clear

Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow and seep into your roof, leading to leaks and water damage. Regularly clean out your gutters and ensure they are free from debris, leaves, and ice buildup. Use a gutter scoop or a trowel to remove any accumulated debris, and flush the gutters with water to ensure they are clear. If you are uncomfortable with heights or don’t have the necessary tools, you can rely on the expertise of professional roofers like Newtown Roofing & Building, who offer gutter repair and cleaning services.

3. Trim Trees & Foliage

Overhanging branches and foliage can pose a significant risk to your roof during winter. Heavy snowfall or strong winds can cause these branches to break and fall onto your roof, causing damage or even puncturing through the slates. Regularly trim any trees or branches that are in close proximity to your roof to minimise this risk. Additionally, remove any leaves or debris that may accumulate on your roof, as they can retain moisture and accelerate the deterioration of your roof’s materials.

4. Repair Flashing & Sealants

Flashing and sealants play a vital role in preventing water from seeping into your home. Over time, flashing can become loose, cracked, or damaged, compromising its effectiveness. Inspect the flashing around your chimneys, vent pipes, and skylights, and look for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice any issues, it is essential to address them promptly to prevent leaks and further damage. At Newtown Roofing & Building, we can assess the condition of your flashing and provide the necessary repairs or replacements.

5. Get Professional Roof Maintenance Services

While regular inspections and maintenance tasks can be performed by homeowners, it is advisable to seek professional roof maintenance services at least once a year. Professional roofers have the expertise and experience to identify potential issues that may go unnoticed by an untrained eye. They can perform a thorough inspection, provide necessary repairs, and offer valuable advice on how to protect and maintain your roof during the winter months. Newtown Roofing & Building is a trusted roofing company in Edinburgh that offers comprehensive roof maintenance services tailored to your specific needs.

How Newtown Roofing Can Help

At Newtown Roofing & Building, we understand the importance of regular roof maintenance, especially in the winter months. Our team of experienced roofers is dedicated to providing high-quality roof maintenance services to ensure the longevity and durability of your roof. Whether you need a professional roof inspection, gutter cleaning, flashing repairs, or general maintenance, our experts are here to assist you. Contact Newtown Roofing & Building today and let us help you protect your home with our reliable and efficient roof maintenance services.

Contact Us Today for All Your Roofing & Building Needs

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Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm

Telephone: 07891 845 936



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